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HPTuners 10r80 Transbrake?!


So you've bought a 2018-2021 Ford Mustang GT or Ecoboost with the 10r80 Transmission, and you're trying to decide which platform to use for tuning. Did you know that with HPTuners you have a tune integrated, factory options Transbrake at your fingertips?

At Ortiz Performance, LLC, we add this standard for all of our 10r80 tuning Customers, and using it is as simple as counting from 1 to 5:

1.) Meet the staging Requirements

• Ensure that your engine coolant, transmission, and oil temperatures are above the minimum thresholds.

• Select your desired Drive Mode, Turn off Cruise Control, and ensure the transmission is in 1st gear

2.) Activate the Transbrake

3.) Set the Transbrake

4.) Deep Stage Using Bump Control (Optional)

5.) Launch!

That's it! If you did it correct, the car should launch from it's preset RPM, allowing you to quickly accelerate, improving 60', 0-60 times, and overall 1/8 mile and 1/4 miles.

Did it work? Send us a video through E-mail or to one of our social media channels and we'll share it and tag you so you can show your friends!

Did you snap an axle? Oops! We have replacements for that here:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the transbrake abusive to the engine and transmission?

A: Yes, especially on high power applications. Use at your own risk!

Q: Can I use this feature with an aftermarket steering wheel?

A: Maybe. This feature requires the factory cruise control buttons to work properly.

Q: My vehicle doesn’t have a drive mode selection switch, can I still use this feature?

A: Yes! Simply set the “Drive Modes Allowed” to “All Modes” instead of “Drag Only”.

Q: When activating Bump Control, my car doesn’t move. What should I do?

A: Try increasing the “Bump Time Limit” until the proper movement is achieved, or increase throttle input.

Q: How can I tell if the transbrake is active?

A: Use VCM Scanner to monitor the “Transbrake Active” parameter. It will report a Yes/No status.

Q: This seems like witchcraft, how does the transbrake work?

A: By applying specific clutches to lock gears together and prevent the output shaft from spinning.

Q: I’ve tried everything, I just can’t get this to work! Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

A: Yes! Contact to proceed with diagnosing the cause.

Q: Will this work in my F150?

A: We will be adding more applications based on demand and availability!

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